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Difference in companies’ assets by savings form

The four company groups/companies within pension and life insurance with the largest holdings of investment assets at the end of 2023 were Alecta, Skandia, AMF and Folksam. These company groups/companies accounted for 54 per cent of the market in terms of the total assets of life insurance and occupational pension companies. At the end of 2023, the total assets for occupational pension companies were just over 2,800 billion SEK, and for life insurance companies, it was just under 3,300 billion SEK.

There are differences among the company groups/companies in terms of the proportion of assets related to traditional insurance, unit-linked insurance, and deposit insurance. For the four company groups/companies with the largest assets, the assets are primarily related to traditional insurance. For the other companies, apart from Afa Försäkring, the assets are primarily either unit-linked or deposit insurance.

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