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Payments from insurance savings continue to increase

Life insurance and occupational pension companies pay out insurance bene-fits in the form of occupational pension and from savings in private endow-ment insurance and private pension insurance, among others. In total, these companies paid out nearly 288 billion SEK in 2023.

The largest share of the payments (46 per cent) consisted of savings in pri-vate endowment insurance and private pension insurance, accounting for al-most half of the payouts. The remaining payouts were for occupational pen-sion, where traditional insurance accounted for the largest part (35 per cent). Within traditional insurance, it is the life insurance and occupational pension companies that choose the investments and bear the financial risk. In the case of unit-linked and deposit insurance, it is the policyholder who chooses the funds, equities, and other financial assets in which the capital should be invested and bears the financial risk.

Over the past ten years, occupational pension payments have more than dou-bled, with an increase of 104 per cent. Payments from savings in private en-dowment insurance and private pension insurance have increased by 85 per cent during the same period.2024-08-09 10_28_55-insurance-in-sweden-2014-2023_2.png