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Households are estimated to spend as much on non-life insurance as on fruit

The Swedish households are estimated to consume just over one per cent on non-life insurances in 2024. This is an estimation made by Statistics Sweden as they calculate the inflation. The basis for this calculation is a basket of goods and services. The basket is intended to reflect what a household con-sume during a year.

Among these goods and services are non-life insurances, whose weight in the basket in 2024 is just over one percent. Compared to some of the other goods and services, the Swedish households spend as much money on non-life insurances as on fruit, and slightly more than on wine, and slightly less than on candy and ice cream, in 2024.

The purpose of including non-life insurance policies in the basket of goods and services, as well as in the calculated inflation, is to measure the price development of common insurance services that are purchased by individu-als. The types of insurances included in non-life insurances when calculating inflation are home insurance, motor vehicle insurance, sickness and accident insurance.2024-08-09 09_41_55-insurance-in-sweden-2014-2023_2.png