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Insurance in Sweden 2014-2023

Publicerad: 2024-06-03 Nästa publiceringsdatum: 2025-06-03

Security for the individual – growth for the economy

We are all exposed to risks. It might be the risk of being in a traffic accident or of a fire in your home. It could be theft or long-term illness. Without insurance these events could
entail financial problems for those affected. Insurance makes it possible for private
individuals and businesses to live and work in economically stable conditions.
The idea of insurance is simple: we share the risks. Through insurance a household or
a business pays a premium in exchange for compensation by the insurance company if
an accident should occur. A private individual can also take out insurance that pays a given future income, that is a pension, in exchange for premium payments made today.

This publication provides an overall view of insurance in Sweden and describes its
significance for the national economy. It contains various figures on insurance based
on statistics mainly from Insurance Sweden, Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial
Supervisory Authority), Statistics Sweden and the Insurance Industry Employers’
Organisation (FAO). With a few exceptions, they refer to the situation in 2020 or the
past ten years. 

The publication is divided into four sections

The Swedish insurance industry; The amount of pay-outs made to
households, individuals, and businesses by insurance and occupational
pension companies.

Non-life insurance; the number of claims and the amount of compensations
that insurance companies pay out for different types of claims.

Pension and life insurance; the amount of pension paid out each year
and the amount of capital invested in life insurance savings.

A general description of how much insurance and occupational pension
companies invest in the global economy, as well as the assets in which
they invest.